Year 5 art - Last week, our talented year 5 students explored the art of drawing mannequins, focusing on proportions and structure. This week, we’ve taken it a step further by diving into the world of famous illustrators! 🎨📚
#year5 #tabisfab #illustration #creativelearning
In year 5, we've been diving into the world of Anglo-Saxon artifacts in our history lessons! 📜Having a hands-on experiences, we’ve gained a real feel for what life was like in early medieval England.
#tabisfab #year5 #anglosaxonhistory
Active Learning - Ice Balloons!
Last week, year 6 received some mysterious ice parcels from a setting in our class reader, 'Brightstorm'. The pupils carried out scientific investigations to determine how light travels through ice. Then, they investigated the impact of adding salt and food colouring. One pupil said, "When we added the salt, the ice looked like it had veins in it!"
#TABisFAB #activescience
🎪🎪Year 3 were so lucky to have an assembly and class workshop with Rob from Circus Allstars last week! They enjoyed watching his act and learning how to do some of the tricks themselves! The perfect material for their current writing topic! 🎪🎪 #tabisfab
We have been awarded the Music Mark Award again for providing high quality music education! Thank you to our music teachers and everyone involved #TABisFAB
Year 4 have been exploring electricity this week. They have made torches, investigated solar panels, and even static electricity!
This photo shows a mere fraction of the wonderful new books which arrived on our doorstep this morning as a result of last summer's sponsored read (in conjunction with Usborne). Very soon, we shall be distributing them to classrooms and hugely look forward to not only seeing them in book corners, but also to seeing our children enjoying reading them! Thank you very much again to those of you who supported your children in obtaining sponsorship. #TABisFAB #loveofreading
Please see below for details of the FOS Thomas A Becket Junior AGM on Monday 16th September #TABisFAB
We are now part of the ASDA Cashpot for Schools scheme. This is a great way for us to raise funds for the school. All you have to do is download the ASDA rewards app and sign up. For every shop you do ASDA will donate a percentage to our school. For more information, please go to the ASDA website #TABisFAB
🌲 Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their introduction to Forest School session last week in spite of the weather! We had a brilliant time spotting bugs, building dens and using the 'mud kitchen'! 🌲 #TABisFAB 🌲