ARCHER offers seal kits, service kits, overhaul kits, upgrade kits and individual spare parts, including gaskets, rubber seats, clak / clapper assy’s, latches and diaphragm rubbers, to support the preventative maintenance of Deluge Valves, Sprinkler Valves and Alarm Valves to AS 1851 Routine Service (Maintenance) of Fire Protection Systems and Equipment #delugevalves #obsolete #maintenance #AS1851 #sealkits #overhaul #clappers #clak #gaskets
The Archer Response Time Index (RTI) Plunge Test Wind Tunnel can be used to carry out the RTI and/or Rate of Rise/Ramp type plunge tests as specified in the various sprinkler head performance standards. The RTI Plunge Test Wind Tunnel has been designed, developed and manufactured by Archer Enterprises Pty Ltd in Australia since creation in 1996. The RTI Plunge Test Wind Tunnel is part of the FM3210 Standard: Approval Standard for Heat Detectors For Automatic Fire Alarm Signalling. #firesprinkler #fastresponse #laboratoryequipment #australianmade #FM3210
The ARCHER Pop-up Foam Fire Sprinkler is specialised fit-for-purpose low-impact fire suppression technology designed to protect key aircraft hangar, apron & helipad / helideck infrastructure and the critical high-value aircraft assets and personnel within. ARCHER Pop-up Foam Fire Sprinklers not only provide superior protection against the loss of life and/or asset (fire protection performance), but also provides superior mitigation against loss or interruption of just-as-valuable operations and function (recovery and system/facility operations & function continuity performance). #popups #foam #firesystem #defence #helipad #performancecritical