Sow Wild Natives
Grounding in the Garden with Sow Wild Natives:
Who's interested in meeting us 3rd Saturdays, April - October, at 8:40 AM, before the nursery opens at 9AM, for a short time of reflection and stillness in a Sow Wild Natives garden? If we get a decent number of people willing to attend, we would partner with @theresilientactivist to start us off with a 1 hour mindfulness session on April 19th at 7AM, then continue with monthly 20 minute sessions starting May 17th.
***Will you attend? Let us know in the comments. ***
Ozark Witch Hazel is blooming!
Walking by the red side of the hummingbird garden yesterday and saw some green plants peeking out. Here is royal catchfly (Silene regia) and cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis). (And clover that needs to be weeded out.) It's amazing what has been hiding under the snow for so long.
Planting season has begun and we even have some plant babies already! We're so glad that we upgraded the germination room with insulated blankets a few years ago; it really helps keep the babies warm at night without using so much energy. It's so cold outside! But we keep it around 40° in the germ room at night. Then when the sun's out during the day it'll be nice and toasty, in the 80°s.
We've cleaned out the greenhouse (and boy was it dirty! Look at that pile of dirt!) to get a fresh start for 2025. The first phase of the germination room is up and soon we'll start filling it with lots of planted trays and watch for the new babies to grow. We would have finished the project sooner but the snow was calling... ☺️☃️
A few beautiful, wintery photos of the nursery.
Deep Roots featured our frost flowers in this month's Pollinator newsletter. You can check out the article and sign up for their newsletter on their website:
Here are photos of some of the frost flowers we found last weekend. We just love them! Most of them we found on the dittany (Cunila origanoides) in the wall garden. We also found some on the stems we've already cut back in our potted plants. These species include: willowleaf sunflower (Helianthus salicifolius), purple daisy aster (Symphyotrichum patens), hairy mountain mint (Pycnanthemum verticillatum), Bradbury bee balm (Monarda bradburiana), blue sage (Salvia azurea), slender mountain mint (Pycnanthemum tenuifolium), and ox-eye sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides).
Frost flowers!!!! Get out early and look for these beautiful natural forms before they melt. We have found them on dittany and downy skullcap but you may find them on other plants too.