Great turnout for our new member happy hour at Dolce. We love when new ladies join to help us earn money for United Cerebral Palsy. Let us know if you are interested in joining by contacting us online! https://www.beachandcountry.org/
Fashion for a cause! Get your early bird ticket before September 30th! All attendees get a certificate for a free facial and are entered to win A CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN CALFSKIN SPIKED LARGE CABAROCK TOTE***** Proceeds benefit @unitedcerebralpalsy! Join the Beach & Country Guild on October 23rd!
Get your tickets here! https://bcg.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/DiaDelSol2024/EVENTREGISTRATION/tabid/1496248/Default.aspx
Thank you Dolce for your continued support of the Beach & Country Guild, from our new member meetings, to sponsoring our events, to your generous donation for Dia del Sol. We truly appreciate you as a community partner. Cheers!