Happy Memorial Day! 🇺🇸💐 In honor and remembrance of all our heroes. Let today be a day we count our blessings and remember all who have served, who continue to serve, and who have sacrificed for our freedom. Wishing you a happy, peaceful, and blessed Memorial Day! ❤️🤍💙 . . . #happymemorialday #memorialday2020 #remember #honor #hero #heroes #freedom #homeofthebrave #landofthefree #america #peace #blessed #thankyouforyoursacrifice #thankyouforyourservice #thankyou #godblessamerica #godblesstheusa #godblessourfallensoldiers #godblessourfallenheroes
⭐️ Holy nutterific! Stay tuned for our NEW show dates for CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, coming to Tulsa this summer! . . Link in bio for tickets and details! 🎭🍭🍫 . . . . . #encoregoeswonka #charlieandthechocolatefactory #willywonkaandthechocolatefactory #willywonka #theatre #castlist #encoretulsa #chocolate #actorslife #lifeofanactor #acting #showbusiness #showposter #tulsa #tulsaevents #staytuned #newshowdates #summervibes #summer #summer2020 #goodmorningstarshine #theearthsayshello #comingsoon
⭐️ Elyse Featherngill plays Mike Teavee in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, April 17-19 at Tulsa Little Theatre. Are YOU ready for the most amazing and fabulous and sensational show in the whole universe?! 🎭🍭🍫😉 . ⭐️ Link in bio for tickets: www.encore-tulsa.com 🎟 . . . #meetthecast #charlieandthechocolatefactory #theatre #encoretulsa #encoregoeswonka #meettheactors #actorslife #lifeofanactor #tulsa
⭐️ Reagan Rozzi plays Veruca Salt in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, April 17-19 at Tulsa Little Theatre. Are YOU ready for the most amazing and fabulous and sensational show in the whole universe?! 🎭🍭🍫😉 . ⭐️ Link in bio for tickets: www.encore-tulsa.com 🎟 . . . #meetthecast #charlieandthechocolatefactory #theatre #encoregoeswonka #meettheactors #actorslife #lifeofanactor #encoretulsa #tulsa
⭐️ Emma Caldwell plays Augustus Gloop in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, April 17-19 at Tulsa Little Theatre. Are YOU ready for the most amazing and fabulous and sensational show in the whole universe?! 🎭🍭🍫😉 . ⭐️ Link in bio for tickets: www.encore-tulsa.com 🎟 . . . #meetthecast #charlieandthechocolatefactory #theatre #encoregoeswonka #encoretulsa #tulsa #meettheactors #actorslife #lifeofanactor
⭐️ Lilli Searcy plays Violet Beauregarde in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, April 17-19 at Tulsa Little Theatre. Are YOU ready for the most amazing and fabulous and sensational show in the whole universe?! 🎭🍭🍫😉 . ⭐️ Link in bio for tickets: www.encore-tulsa.com 🎟 . . . #meetthecast #charlieandthechocolatefactory #theatre #encoregoeswonka #encoretulsa #tulsa #meettheactors #actorslife #lifeofanactor
⭐️ Cortez Avance plays Charlie Bucket in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, April 17-19 at Tulsa Little Theatre. Are YOU ready for the most fabulous, most sensational show in the whole universe?! 🎭🍭🍫😉 . ⭐️ Link in bio for tickets: www.encore-tulsa.com 👍🎟 . . . #meetthecast #charlieandthechocolatefactory #theatre #encoregoeswonka #meettheactors #actorslife #lifeofanactor
⭐️ Holy nutterific! Mark your calendars for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, coming to Tulsa, April 17-19. Link in bio for tickets and details! 🎭🍭🍫 . . . . . #encoregoeswonka #charlieandthechocolatefactory #willywonkaandthechocolatefactory #willywonka #theatre #castlist #encoretulsa #chocolate #actorslife #lifeofanactor #acting #showbusiness #showposter #tulsa #tulsaevents
⭐️ We’re having a blast with our first Oompa Loompa dance rehearsal for CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY! This is one extraordinary cast! Show dates are April 17-19, 2020!! #encoregoeswonka #rehearsaltime #oompaloompastyle 😎🍭🍫 . ⭐️ For TICKETS and details about the production, visit www.Encore-Tulsa.com (link in bio) 🎟 . . . . . #theatre #acting #rehearsal #oompaloompa #dancechoreography #actorlife #theatrefamily #actorsofinstagram #youthactors #encorefam #encoretulsa #encoretulsacast
⭐️Casting⭐️ CONGRATULATIONS to the cast of CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY!!! Also, a happy welcome to each and every actor who will make their Encore! debut with this sweet and spectacular production! This show is going to be full of mystic and marvelous surprises that will entrance, delight, intrigue, astonish, and perplex everyone beyond their wildest imagination!! 🎭🍭🍫😉 . ⭐️ Show Dates: April 17-19, 2020. Tickets are now on sale!!! 👍🎟 . ⭐️ Visit www.Encore-Tulsa.com for TICKETS and to see the OFFICIAL CAST LIST! 😎✨ (link in bio) . . . #casting #castingdirector #auditions #encoretulsa #encoretulsaauditions #encoregoeswonka #actorslife #lifeofanactor #tulsa #theatre #charlieandthechocolatefactory #chocolate #sweet #spectacular #congratulations #welcomewelcomewelcome
⭐️CASTING⭐️ The official cast list for CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY will be announced on our Facebook page either later tonight or early tomorrow morning! ✨🎭🍭🍫✨ . Thank you all for sharing your time and amazing talent with us! 👍⭐️ . . . #casting #castingdirector #auditions #encoretulsa #encoretulsaauditions #encoregoeswonka #actorslife #lifeofanactor #tulsa #theatre #charlieandthechocolatefactory
⭐️Auditions are underway! Share your happy, excited, or nervous pre/post-audition photos on Instagram with #EncoreAuditions and tag @EncoreTulsa so we can celebrate with you! 🎭👍 . . . #encoregoeswonka #encoretulsa #theatre #auditions #tulsa #actors #castingcall #castingcalls #talentsearch #dancers #gymnasts #stuntperformer #breakaleg #actorslife #lifeofanactor #tulsaactors #tulsatheatre #charlieandthechocolatefactory #willywonka #goldenticket #acting #ilovetheatre #theatrekids #theatrefamily #theatrehome #audition #imagination #thisisthegreatestshow
⭐️CASTING CALL!!! Tag a friend or family member who'd make a great GRANDPA JOE, GRANDMA JOSEPHINA, GRANDPA GEORGE, or GRANDMA GEORGINA in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! 🍭👍 . ⭐️ABOUT THE ROLES: (Adult/Teen to play older with comical makeup/costume.) - Quirky, comedic actors to play Charlie's bed-ridden grandparents. Must be extremely animated and energetic with their voice, facial expressions, and gestures, since they are confined to a bed. Will consider American, British, or Cockney accents. . ⭐️AUDITIONS are February 23 (or via video), rehearsals begin shortly thereafter, and performances are April 17-19 at Tulsa Little Theatre. 🎭 . ⭐️TO LEARN MORE about all the available roles in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, visit: www.encore-tulsa.com (link in bio) . . #theatre #auditions #willywonka #actors #acting #actorslife #lifeofanactor #tulsa #iwantitnow #goldenticket #youreturningvioletviolet #chocolate #charlieandthechocolatefactory #grandpajoe #encoretulsaauditions #encoretulsa #encoregoeswonka
⭐️CASTING CALL!!! Tag a friend or family member who'd make a great GRANDPA JOE in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! 🍭👍 . ⭐️ABOUT THE ROLE: (Adult Male, Age 50's-70's) - The cheerful and silly Grandpa Joe is Charlie's inspiration for never losing hope. Must have good comedic timing and physical comedy skills, but also able to play Grandpa Joe in a sweet, sincere way. British or Cockney accent. . ⭐️AUDITIONS are February 23 (or via video), rehearsals begin shortly thereafter, and performances are April 17-19 at Tulsa Little Theatre. 🎭 . ⭐️TO LEARN MORE about Grandpa Joe and all the available roles in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, visit: www.encore-tulsa.com (link in bio) . . #theatre #auditions #willywonka #actors #acting #actorslife #lifeofanactor #tulsa #iwantitnow #goldenticket #youreturningvioletviolet #chocolate #charlieandthechocolatefactory #grandpajoe #encoretulsaauditions #encoretulsa #encoregoeswonka
📣 Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Most of of our Spring 2020 acting classes end with a showcase performance, BUT our INTRO. TO THEATRE PRODUCTION class will get to play the Candy Shop Ensemble in our mainstage production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! How cool is that?! 🎭 . Snag one of the spots in our classes while you still can! For more details, visit www.encore-tulsa.com (link in bio) 😉 . #actorslife #lifeofanactor #theatre #willywonka #charlieandthechocolatefactory #actingclass #candyman #chocolate #iwantitnow #encoretulsa #actingclasses #spring #spring2020
⭐️CASTING CALL!!! Oompa Loompa style! 😎✌️Tag a friend who'd make a great OOMPA LOOMPA in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! 🍭👍 . ⭐️ABOUT THE ROLE: These are not your normal Oompa Loompas... From line dancing to rapping, they do it all! 💃🕺🤹♂️ (Youth actors of all ages/genders under 5'5.”)- The playful, silly, and quirky workers in Willy Wonka's factory. In addition to FEATURED OOMPA LOOMPAS with acting experience and some dialogue, we are also looking to cast DANCING OOMPA LOOMPAS and STUNT OOMPA LOOMPAS with gymnastics experience. Some Oompa Loompas might also understudy the roles of Charlie, Augustus, Violet, Veruca, and Mike. . ⭐️AUDITIONS are February 23 (or via video), rehearsals begin shortly thereafter, and performances are April 17-19 at Tulsa Little Theatre. 🎭 . ⭐️TO LEARN MORE about Oompa Loompas and all the available roles in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, visit: https://www.encore-tulsa.com/p/ccf-auditions.html?m=1 (link in bio) . . . #comingsoon #charlieandthechocolatefactory #willywonka #oompaloompa #theatre #dance #gymnastics #actorslife #lifeofanactor #comingtotulsa #encoretulsa #auditions #acting #actors #dancers #gymnasts #rap #style #chocolatefactory #getready