Today I’m so damn excited for this beautiful woman as she and her husband welcomed their first child into this amazing world! Rebecca and Colin, I’m so happy for y’all and cannot wait to meet your precious girl!!
The handsome Senior kicked off Senior Season and is being featured over on the Blog today!! Head on over to see more! Link in profile!
Did you know that both Jonny and I played instruments growing up?! Also, fun fact: I’m pretty sure we both quit band at the same point in high school even though we never went to high school together. Do you know what instruments we played?!
Oh man! I haven’t done a #fridayintroductions in quite some time, so since it’s Friday, let’s get this party started! I’m an introverted-extrovert, who isn’t much for being the center of attention, but loves to laugh and be loud with my people. I’m a Type 3 on the Enneagram. I was originally planning to become a Psychologist. I love to read but hate being told what and when to read. [school did this to me] One of my favorite things about myself, other than my sparkling personality, is my eyes. I totally relate to clients when they tell me they’re awkward in front of the camera, because well, ditto! I have an unhealthy love for carbs and champagne! I’m on a bowling league.
When things change inside you, things change around you. #ohokay #iseeyou
Distill: [verb] extract the essential meaning or most important aspects of. Normally when we use the word “distill”, we’re using it in the context of liquid. However, last night, this word was presented in a different context and it immediately had my brain spinning. There are so many things, thoughts, actions, etc, in this life that we can distill down and pull meaning out of. This could be positive or negative, honestly, depending on where your focus lies. What are we focusing on everyday and what does our distilling process look like? Are we distilling down to the most important aspects of what’s going on around and inside us daily and gleaning only the good? What choice do you make today, for yourself alone, to only distill goodness? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think this is always the easiest of tasks, but I do believe that positive breeds positive. And, if we continuously compound positivity, what will our outlook look like tomorrow or next week, let alone next year?! I can’t help but believe that slow, consistent, and deliberate changes overtime will help us reap great reward on the battlefield of our mind and in our daily interactions with others.
Details: they matter. But do they consume? On your wedding day, what are you most concerned about? Is it the flowers, dress, or table settings? Are you thinking about your vendors and making sure they’re doing their job? Or are you concerned about connection and the vows that are being said? I think if we can focus on things that bring us closer to one another, then we will find even more contentment on our wedding day! What’s the most important thing to you on your wedding day?
Do you know what day it is?! I’m pretty sure the answer is no, buttttttt, it’s BOWLING DAY!!!! Believe it or not, Jonny and I are actually on a bowling league! We joined randomly two years ago and are now starting our third fall/winter season, which consists of 32 Thursdays! Now, don’t get me wrong, bowling is honestly the most consistently inconsistent game ever and I’m about to quit all the time. But honestly, we do it for the fellowship and it’s our hobby that takes us away from our jobs...you know since our jobs used to be our hobbies. Maybe with that logic we’ll be pro-bowlers one day! Haha, or not! We haven’t bowled all summer so this should be interesting. If nothing else, at least I’ll set my handicap high. Fun fact: last season I bowled a 200 scratch game!! It was kind of a big deal!!
My heart is full over a new post that I just dropped over on the Blog! Not only is it full of gorgeous images of these two amazing people, but it’s a little more on the personal side than usual. You see, this pregnancy is a miracle! My sweet friend is sharing some words on the blog today of her experience with not only this pregnancy, but miscarriage and what it means to them to be pregnant now!! Because it’s their personal story, I love this post that much more. Honesty and being real is what brings meaning into this life. Thank you so much Rebecca and Colin for your vulnerability and willingness to share! I adore and love you guys!! Honored to call you friends!
I hope you’ve all had a great Labor Day! Making memories and enjoying the day! This was last night in Amelia Island, the calm before the storm! Remembering everyone in the Bahamas and Florida, especially on the coast! Stay safe, friends!! ❤️