TONIGHT 2/21 9pm— @mailthehorse takes the stage at @halfmoonhudson (44 S Front St.) in support of their self-titled 2019 LP. A little bit blues, a little bit rock, but all sounding oh-so smooth. $10 #hudsonny #hudsonmusic #livemusic #shows #rock #blues #hudsonbulletin
TONIGHT 2/18 8pm— Synth-pop sensation and one-third of Brooklyn-based trio Au Revoir Simone @anniehartforsure plays @halfmoonhudson (44 S Front St.) in support of her new album, A Softer Offering. Ethereal folk rock singer-songwriter @alexawilding opens. $10 #hudsonny #hudsonmusic #livemusic #shows #aurevoirsimone #dreampop #synthpop #folkrock #hudsonbulletin
TOMORROW 7/20 4pm— FUTURE Hudson presents the fourth in its ongoing series on the past, present and future of urban planning and neighborhood design in the City of Hudson at the Hudson Area Library (51 N 5th St.). Tomorrow’s talk, entitled “TO PRESERVE, OR NOT TO PRESERVE?” explores the role that “historic preservation can play in helping communities respect the past while creating a future for all residents.” Speakers will include Liz McEnaney, executive director of the SS Columbia Project and adjunct assistant professor with the Hudson Valley Initiative of the Columbia Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP), Morgan O’Hara, of the MASS Design Group, and Josh Simons from the Benjamin Center for Public Policy at SUNY New Paltz. The discussion is moderated by Larry Bowne, architect and associate professor of architecture at Syracuse University. FUTURE Hudson is also proud to announce that this is the first panel in the series that will offer child care services to those in attendance. $free #hudsonbulletin #hudsonny #visithudsonny #historicpreservation #design #urbanplanning #urbandesign #architecture #events #publicspaces @futurehudson @hudsonarealibraryny @sscolumbia @columbia_urbanplanning @columbiagsapp @massdesigngroup
TONIGHT 7/18 8.30pm— San Francisco indie-folk rocker @hectorinetheband plays HiLo (365 Main St., Catskill) $donation #hudsonbulletin #catskillny #livemusic #performances #folk #indie #rock #hectorine @hilocatskill
TOMORROW 7/6 2pm— The SUPERTONE Music Festival returns for a third summer, showcasing all that is vibrant and original in rock, roots and honky-tonk music. This year, Basilica Hudson (110 S Front St.) plays host to Ex Hex, The Felice Brothers, Thelma and the Sleaze, El Front, Habibi, and many others. Food and provisions from Local 111, Poor Devil Pepper Co, Skyview Farms and more. $55 #hudsonny #visithudsonny #hudsonbulletin #musicfestival #livemusic #basilicahudson #events @supertonefest @basilicahudson @felicebrothers @exhexband @thelmaandthesleaze @habibitheband
TOMORROW 6/27 5pm— The Columbia County Food Truck Festival returns to the Kinderhook town square. Trucks include Hudson Valley and Capitol Region favorites like @yummykitchenny @slidindirtytroy and @pippyshotdogtruck as well as beer on tap from @chathambrewing and @ssfarmbrewery. Enjoy live music and general revelry all evening long. #food #foodfestival #foodtruck #foodtruckfestival #kinderhook #events #columbiacounty #hudsonbulletin
TODAY 6/22 5pm— Gallery at 46 Green Street (46 Green St.) hosts an opening reception for Ken Davis' new solo show In India, I am Home, a collection of the photographer's most recent images captured during his travels on the subcontinent. $free #art #photography #gallery #opening #india #hudsonny #visithudsonny #hudsonvalley #hudsonbulletin @galleryat46greenstreet
TODAY 6/15 4pm— FUTURE Hudson is hosting its next discussion in a series on the past and future of urban planning and neighborhood design in the City of Hudson at the Hudson Area Library (51 N 5th St.). Today's discussion, 'Where Does Hudson Gather,' centers on the quality of public spaces and access to natural areas to promote health and happiness. The panel's participants include Kaya Weidman (Executive Director, Kite's Nest), Christine Vanderlan (Community Projects Manager, Columbia Land Conservancy), Alexandra Lange (architecture critic for Curbed and author of The Design of Childhood), Carter Strickland (New York State Director, The Trust for Pubic Land), Bram Gunther (Co-Director, NYC Urban Field Station, Forestry, Horticulture, and Natural Resources), Gail Wittwer-Laird (Senior Associate, Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners), and is being moderated by Angelyn Chandler (VP Capital Projects, NYC Economic Development Corporation and City of Hudson Conservation Advisory Council). FUTURE Hudson describes itself as an event series inspiring creative conversations with and by forward-thinking people, projects and organizations and is scheduled to hold an additional three discussions in the month's ahead. $free #hudsonny #visithudsonny #design #urbanplanning #urbandesign #architecture #events #publicspaces #design @futurehudson @hudsonarealibraryny @kitesnest @clctrust @curbed @starrwhitehouse
THIS SATURDAY 4/20 4pm— FUTURE Hudson will be hosting the first in a series of discussions regarding the past and future of urban planning and neighborhood design in the City of Hudson at the Hudson Area Library (51 N 5th St.). The first event asks 'What Makes Hudson a Great City,' and convenes a panel of experts including Dan D’Oca (urban planner and Associate Professor in Practice at the Harvard Graduate School of Design), Kaja Kühl (Director of the Hudson Valley Initiative at the Columbia Graduate School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation), and Joseph Czajka (Senior Vice President for Research, Development & Community Planning at Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress). FUTURE Hudson describes itself as an event series inspiring creative conversations with and by forward-thinking people, projects and organizations and will be holding additional discussions in the month's ahead. $free #hudsonny #visithudsonny #design #urbanplanning #urbandesign #architecture #events @futurehudson @hudsonarealibraryny
TOMORROW 9/8 5pm— The Hudson Milliner Art Salon (415 Warren St.) presents AMERICANA, artwork by Charlotta Janssen that explores the nation's checkered past and present. #hudsonny #visithudsonny #art #americana #hudsonbulletin @charlottajanssen @thehudsonmilliner @mistergreer
WEDNESDAY 7/4 4pm— Basilica Hudson (110 S Front St.) presents its second annual Bright Future Bar BQ. A late afternoon art opening and Bar-BQ happy hour turns epic dance party come sundown. This year will culminate in HifiBangalore’s Exploding Inevitable Dance Party with the deep dance grooves of DJ Tedd Patterson and DJ Uncle Rudy, featuring sculpture and video art installation by Kingston based artist Andrew H Shirley, all knit together with some art and hosting by the infamous Jack Walls. #hudsonny #visithudsonny #basilicahudson #hudsonbulletin @basilicahudson @teddpatterson @hifibangalore
TOMORROW 12/6 7pm— All the way from New Zealand, indie singer/songwriter Nadia Reed performs at the Spotty Dog (440 Warren St, Hudson) in support of her latest release, Preservation. Local favorites Lorkin O'Reilly and Alex P Wernquest open. $10 @spottydogbooks @hellonadiareid @lorkin_oreilly @basementfloods #hudsonny #hudsonmusic #🇳🇿 #hudsonbulletin
TONIGHT 4/5 7pm— Malian guitar virtuoso Vieux Farka Touré performs at The Half Moon (44 S Front St, Hudson) with Last Good Tooth opening. $20 @halfmoonhudson @vieuxfarka @lastgoodtooth #hudsonny #hudsonmusic #hudsonbulletin #🇲🇱
THIS FRIDAY 3/31 8pm— Indie rocker Laura Stevenson performs at BSP Kingston (323 Wall St., Kingston). Nightmares for a Week and Guilt Mtn open. $15 @bspkingston @laura_a_stevenson @nightmaresforaweek_ @guiltmtn #bspkingston #kingstonny #indierock #fellowexlongislander #hudsonbulletin
TOMORROW 10/17 8pm— The Lucky 5 band visits Ör Gallery (35 S. 3rd St.), serving up swing with a side of gypsy jazz. $free @orgalleryandtavern @lucky_5_band #hudsonny #hudsonmusic #swing #jazz #orgallery #hudsonbulletin
SUNDAY 10/9 5pm— Tickets still available to North x South, a collaborative fall supper hosted by Letterbox Farms (4161 US Rt. 9, Hudson) and Lil' Deb's Oasis. The evening begins with drinks in the garden, followed by a multi-course feast-in-the-field, with a variety of Latin American and southern American dishes being served. $150 @letterboxfarmers @lildebsoasis #hudsonny #hudsoneats #farmtotable #hudsonbulletin
TONIGHT 12/9 8pm— Indie folk rock comes to BSP Kingston (323 Wall St., Kingston) courtesy of Katie Crutchfield’s Waxahatchee. Joined by Circuit Des Yeux. $15 door @waxa_katie @circuitdesyeux @bspkingston #bspkingston #waxahatchee #hvmusic #kingstonny #indie #folk #hudsonbulletin
THIS MONDAY 12/7 5-10pm— Poor Devil Pepper Co. celebrates 1 year of delighting your tastebuds with a taco take over of Gaskins (2 Church Ave., Germantown). Choose from lamb belly with Poor Devil's own Kali Curry sauce, pork tacos al pastor, and beer-battered pollock tacos with cabbage, among others. You'll probably want to bring friends to share with and to sample them all, and be sure to save room for churros and homemade ice cream para el postre. @gaskinsny @poordevilpepperco #tacos #poordevilpepperco #gaskinsny #hudsonvalleyeats #germantownny #hudsonbulletin