What is the 5D Ascension Process like? Common 5d Ascension symptoms: πEnergy Fluctuations: massive changes in the chakra system - you may feel full of energy one day and the next unable to get out of bed. π Hearing Problems & Blurred Vision: Two interlinked symptoms that are due to overload of third eye energy. Your third eye support your vision, intuition, and connection the higher realms. When this is in fluctuation you have feel impairments in your hearing and blurred visions. π Hot Flashes: As the energy floods your body, your immune system may be sent into overdrive. This can sometimes manifest as hot flashes. π Weight Loss: The ascension process can have negative or positive impacts on your weight. But typically people experience lack of appetite resulting in weight loss due to changes to your metabolism. π Mood Swings: As you ascend to 5D, you may experience dramatic mood swings. π Heightened Spiritual Awareness: The energy in your crown chakra may activate new psychic abilities such as Claircognizance (knowingness), Telekinesis, or Astral Travel. π Loss of Ego: Finally, you will notice your ego slowly dissipating as it surrenders into the flow of higher consciousness. #ascension #5d #multidimensional #energywork #lucialight #lightwork
Do you feel drained from interactions? Does this make you want to hide away? Well, you are not alone! Many Starseeds, Lightworkers, Empaths, and Healers have a hard time setting boundaries with other people. This can lead to toxic relationships that are energetically draining. When you notice someone who is constantly complaining, creating unnecessary drama, spreading negativity, and not supportive of your authentic expression ---this may be a sign that you need to create stronger boundaries so that you are not left feeling out of alignment with yourself. Setting healthy boundaries can help you to stay in your personal power by remain centered in your truth. What does that look like? It starts by being honest with yourself, honest about your needs, what you are agreeing to, and understanding when you need to say no. It is a balance between self and others, giving and receiving, protection and vulnerability. No matter how difficult it may be to set boundaries, no matter how much you may fear losing a relationship.....in the end, if your friend, partner, or family member truly cares for you.....then they will respect your needs, decisions, and choices even if it means saying no to their request. By standing in your own integrity, you embody your personal power and shine like a light for the rest of the world. Face your fears, let go of people-pleasing, and let yourself be radiant! #healthyboundaries #relationships #lightworkers #lucialight #lightguide
EMBODY YOUR HIGHER SELF Let Spirit be your guide. Let the swirling energy of the Universe move through your being. Let your heart lead you to a place of connection, love, and joy! Working with the Lucia Light can support you in creating long-lasting connections with the Higher Realms of Consciousness such as the Angelic beings, your Spirit Guides, your Ancestors, and your Higher Self! Through a process of gentle brain wave entrainment, the Lucia Light stimulates the pineal gland to open up a visionary journey to explore these higher realms of consciousness. The Lucia Light is an invitation to move beyond the everyday reality and explore you conscious and unconscious mind. It can be cleansing, energizing or a relaxing process, as every person will experience it differently. Discover how the Lucia Light can support you in embodying your higher self! Sign up for a Light Session today! #lucialight #lucia3 #lightactivation #higherself #consciousness
Raise your frequency and live a life you love! As we intentionally connect to the Earth, there is an electromagnetic energy - like a current - that runs up through our feet to our heart, taking information and love all the way up to our crown chakra. This flow of energy creates a complete circuit allowing our being - as an instrument- to tune into a higher frequency that is interconnected with the Universal Life force energy. When we create space for this flow of energy, the lower vibrations are released and the vibration of Universal love has more room to grow and expand. So what can we do to support this energy even when we are having an off day, feeling bad about ourselves, or holding onto blocked energy? π Earthing: Place your feet, hands, and body on the Earth to dissipate static electricity and synchronize with the natural frequencies of the Earth! π Breathwork: By intentionally controlling your breath you are able to shift energy by engaging the parasympathetic nervous system and allowing for healing to naturally occur in your body. π Meditation: Creating a daily practice of meditation can help calm your mind and nourish your soul by creating more room for compassion, peace, and joy. π Come into a Heart frequency: when we live in a vibration of fear, negativity, and separation our energetic field is low and often becomes blocked. But by taking time to follow our heart - our passion and joy - we are able to feel more purpose and fulfillment in our lives. π Feel your Feelings: Do not keep emotions trapped up inside of you, find healthy ways to release and channel these powerful emotions. π Create a Mantra: Mantras can be powerful tools to help recondition your mind and change your habits. They also carry a particular vibration that can radiate throughout your whole body. Use a mantra to bring clarity and intention into your daily life. What other practices do you have to raise your frequency? #vibration #lightbeing #lightworkers #energy #lucialight #heartfrequency