trans·for·ma·tion: - a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. Transformations can come in big, life changing ways or in small, daily teeny-tiny actions & moments where you intentionally pursue the choice of choosing the higher version of yourself. Whatever stage of transformation you may be in, keep going...it’s worth it & we’re rooting you on 🎉💫
Alignment...what the heck is it? Why is it important and how do we "get aligned"? • From a higher perspective, alignment can be found in all of the sacred pillars that create and sustain our ability to experience life here on earth. Alignment can be found in all forces of the Universe - it can be found in sacred geometry, mathmatics, vibration, frequency, sound, light, energy, the solar system, time, gravity - it’s all intertwined. • The same concept is true with ourselves. Our physical body, our mind, and our spirit must all be aligned so that we can shine our brightest light into the world and be of service to others. We must have all systems go - operating together in harmony, unity and above all, unconditional love. • To be spiritually aligned means to be on your destined path of fulfilling and experiencing your personal heaven on earth. Being in alignment means being on the incredible journey of manifesting your highest potential. To be in alignment means to be in promise. And the promise fulfilled is the manifestation and realization of the self. Alignment looks like someone operating with a purpose. Someone who’s healing, transmuting and alchemizing darkness into light. God created all things to work in harmony and perfection, and mankind is included in that Universal equation. • As you align, you become the bond that heals the pain in what you see. You become the hands that lift and the heart that loves. The eyes that see the Kingdom in everyone she passes. Because God is always where she is. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” ✨ • Is there an area in your life that you need life, love and healing breathed into? The first step on this journey is to surrender. Surrender, trust, intention and unconditional love are a few of the magical keys to getting into alignment. 💕 #artofalignment #christconsciousness #unconditionallove
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. 🤍 #love
You don’t even want to know how painful this was opening our eyes in the blaring sun ☀️ 👀 😂 *blue eyed probs* How was your Monday?! 💕✨🙏